If you live in the state of New York and want to drive a car, you’re going to need car insurance. That’s the rules (this is not unique to New York – every state requires you have auto insurance in order to drive a car).

Below we’ll look at some average rates for New York drivers so you know what to expect when shopping for a policy. So let’s dive right into it and see how much is car insurance in New York. Plus look at the factors that affect those rates along with average cost info.

How Much Is Car Insurance in New York?

The answer to this question is not straight forward. That is because New York is a big state and there are a number of factors that affect how much auto insurance premiums are. 

But to give you an idea, the average cost of car insurance premiums in the state of New York in 2021 ranges from roughly $1,600 to $2,300 per year for full coverage. That makes New York’s car insurance coverage quite a bit higher than the national average, which is $1,483 per year. 

Factors that Affect Car Insurance Prices

On the other hand, if you are only planning to have minimum coverage, then the average rates of car insurance in New York in 2021 ranges between $860 to $1,060 per year. The amount of car insurance coverage you purchase is a factor that affects the rates of your car insurance. 

Another factor that affects New York auto insurance premiums is your insurance provider. For the minimum coverage, the car insurance company that offers one of the cheapest rates is the Main Street America Group; their premiums per year are only $304 for minimum coverage.

On the other hand, the most expensive car insurance minimum coverage comes from the company American Family. Their car insurance premiums cost around $2,800 per year for minimum coverage. 

As for the cheapest car insurance full coverage, it also comes from Main Street America Group which is only about $761 per year. Meanwhile the most expensive full coverage for car insurance comes from Utica National which is over $5,050. 

More on Insurance Factors in New York 

Another thing that will affect the car insurance rates in New York is age. The cheapest car insurance rates in the state are premiums for drivers in their 60s. Their yearly premiums are only $2,140 on average.

As with most states, the younger the driver, the more expensive the premiums. For example, car insurance premiums for 17 years old is $3,180 per year, in comparison to 30 years old which is $3,460. 

Another factor we will mention is driving record. The average annual premiums for drivers who had an at-fault accident is $1,940. Meanwhile, car insurance rates increase to $2,230 per year if the driver is caught DUI.

The last factor to keep in mind is where you in New York you live. And that can vary quite a bit (being that it is such a big state!). If you live in the hustle and bustle of New York City that has relatively high crime rates and a lot of traffic, you’ll pay more (all else being equal) than someone who lives in a smaller city or town upstate.

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